JamaLife is a network marketing business. Registration fee is $5 (R100) once off. Contact
your upline to help you to register since payment is made only in
dollars, make arrangements to deposit R100 to your upline to complete your
When you register, you only recruit 2 people under you as your downlines.
When you register, you only recruit 2 people under you as your downlines.
These 2 people that you registered also recruit their
2 people each under them, and that means you now have 6 people in your stage 1.
You now moved automatically to stage 2, on stage 2 you
need to have 14 people to join you on stage 2 and those people have to come
from stage 1. Now you are wondering there are only 6 people you left on stage 1
how then can you get 14 people.
Remember the people you left on stage 1 they are also
doing the same thing you do they continue recruiting and building their people
meaning the 14 people you need from stage 1 to join you on stage 2 will come
from the 6 people that you left on stage 1.
Here is some clarity on recruiting, don’t stop after
getting your first two people to join under you. The system requires that you
place two people directly under you but If you have more than 2 people that are
interested to join JamaLife South Africa, keep on registering them under you and they will
be spillover to your team members to help them boost and build their teams. The
more they grow the more you grow as well. By recruiting more people under you,
you are helping yourself to move faster to the next stages.
Now going back from our first explanation, remember
you need to register only 2 people under you not 6 or 14. If you have more than
2 people, keep registering them to move faster to the next stages as already
Follow these Links for more Info About JamaLife South Africa:
By Nicky Verd
I am a blogger @ www.nickyverd.africa
Visit my Website for more info about my work and services
"You owe yourself everything you expect from others"
- Jamalife South Africa Compensation Plan in Details
- 21 Facts You Need to Know About Jamalife South Africa
- How Does JamaLife Work?
- How to Join Jamalife Helpers Global
- JamaLife Products & Services
- What Is Jamalife Helpers Global? Find all the Answers Here (South Africa)
By Nicky Verd
I am a blogger @ www.nickyverd.africa
Visit my Website for more info about my work and services
Subscribe to my Blog and never miss a post!
Nicky Verd, a Transformational Speaker, KickAss Blogger and Prolific Writer who
is passionate about igniting human potential and empowering people to
pursue their dreams and take ownership of their lives.
She is also a Brand Ambassador for Global Startup Awards-Southern Africa and a Huffington Post Contributor. Visit her Website for more info about her work and services
Follow her on Social Media because personal transformation doesn’t just happen. It takes daily wisdom, tips and a support system.
She is also a Brand Ambassador for Global Startup Awards-Southern Africa and a Huffington Post Contributor. Visit her Website for more info about her work and services
Follow her on Social Media because personal transformation doesn’t just happen. It takes daily wisdom, tips and a support system.
"You owe yourself everything you expect from others"
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