Sunday 28 January 2018

I Don't Like Selling!

I DON”T like selling….
Business is NOT really my thing...
I am NOT an entrepreneur/hustler... etc...
These and much more are excuses some people give for not trying to make something of themselves in a difficult economy. But here’s the irony, if entrepreneurial abilities, advanced selling skills and creativity were listed as a necessary requirement in a "job advert", the same people will rushed in their numbers to apply for it. 

The truth of the matter is … anybody can train themselves to be whatever they want to be….but most people are just too terrified of standing on their own two feet. They’ll will rather play it safe in a job environment even when they are unfulfilled than take the leap of faith into the unknown. 

The million dollar question is if someone can work on a job they hate for 10 long years, a job they feel sick and obnoxious just thinking about it, a job they chant the infamous hashtags every week #ThankGodItsFriday and #IhateMondays, why can’t that same person go through temporary discomfort to create a business/career they love and build a better future for themselves?

Excuses Will Ruin Your Life

You could be the next Napoleon Hill or even better, but if excuses get in your way the world will never get to see it. You could be the next Nelson Mandela, Patrice Motsepe, Bill Gates or Aliko Dangote, but if you make excuses and dismiss your abilities, you’ll never succeed. You could be the most talented singer in the world, but If you let excuses stop you from expressing that, It’s game over. You could be the next best thing waiting to happen but making excuses will ruin life for you.
Why it is many people dream of becoming better people but only few actually attain it? Why it is that many people dream of quitting their jobs and start their own businesses but only a few actually do it. Why is it that some people are more successful than others? The answer is the power of their dreams is stronger than their excuses. There is no reasonable escape for dreamers. No quiet hope for idealists. No true excuse for passion. You have no excuse once you believe in something greater than yourself.

"Excuses are tools of the incompetent, and those who specialize in them seldom go far." Henry Wadsworth

You don't like selling? Get over it! Everybody sells. From your CPA to your doctor, from you applying for a job to actually getting one,  from your roofer to a student trying to get into Wits, everyone is selling.

What is Your Excuse?

Below are 17 more excuses people cough up to escape following their dreams, improving their circumstances or changing their life – they take the easy way out.

  1. Fear (No one is immune to fear. It is a regular fight for the strongest and the bravest)
  2. I don't have the money (who has?)
  3. I don't have contacts to start with (Really?)
  4. I'm not smart enough. (You just crowned yourself as stupid)
  5. I can't talk (Are you dumb?)
  6. I don't have the time (Yet you have the time to wake up by 5am and get dressed to be in traffic)
  7. I'm too busy (Doing what exactly?)
  8. It takes too long to build a business (but you envy Patrice Motsepe)
  9. It is risky. Building a business is too risky for me (Is eating not risky? Is sleeping not risky? People have died in their sleep)
  10. I don't like dealing with people (Mr Island...I greet your Excellency)
  11. I'm too old (Age is never a barrier)
  12. Waiting for all the lights to turn GREEN (Lights turn GREEN when you press the button)
  13. My husband, my wife, my parents don't support it (They don't support you being broke either but you are)
  14. My job is too demanding and I travel a lot (Arik Wings of Africa)
  15. I'm not good at marketing (Yet you are too good at forwarding numerous WhatsApp posts)
  16. No, it's network. I can't do it. (But you spread gossip like wildfire but can't spread a business that will better your life?)
  17. I'm not a professional (Who was born a professional?)

 “People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, they make them" George Bernard Shaw
There is nothing more expensive than a closed mind. The mind is like a flower, it only functions when it is opened. Open your mind to the opportunities around you. 
You are the captain of your ship, to sink or to sail is a choice you have to make! If you can learn and master the art of selling you will never go broke again.

By Nicky Verd

Thanks for making the time to read my posts. I work hard to make them valuable for you. So we get you to your best. Sooner versus later. The mind can be trained!

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Nicky Verd is a Prolific Writer and Transformational Speaker, she is passionate about inspiring you to take ownership of your life, discover your purpose and maximize your potential. "You owe yourself everything you expect from others"

Follow her on Social Media for more tips on how to take ownership of your life. 

A Woman’s Place Is In Her Brain.

A woman’s place is in her brain – she decides her future. Even though our world is still jam-packed with stereotype men chanting a woman’s place is in the kitchen, so much such that a girl child is encouraged to choose career options that are considered “feminine” — like nursing instead of engineering. In a typical African culture, girls are raised with more emphases on being a good wife and a good mother. They are raise with the mindset to look for a successful man instead of being successful themselves.  

By this when a girl reaches womanhood, they are far more prone to doubt themselves and their abilities. They play at a low level, they think small and they shrink their dreams/skills in order to make stereotype men comfortable. However, these stereotypes are beginning to lose their potency. There is a growing recognition to the potential and power of a woman. A generational shift is slowly taking place. Women are rising and embracing their potentials. A woman’s place is in her brain – she knows how to think, how to be creative, ambitious, inspiring, sassy and determine.  

Women are no longer buying into this scam that says “men are intimidated by successful women”. However, if any woman still believes this to be true, let me tell y'all something. Men are also terrified of being your everything. They are terrified of being your PIN number, your ATM card, your bank account, your certificate, your brains, your ticket...etc! A liability is unattractive!

A real woman should be able contribute to a man beyond the kitchen and the other room...if you know what I mean, 'wink'. In all honesty, a woman is better off being successful. Keep in mind that successful women intimidate boys but excites men. Success may hurt...success as a woman may earn you uncomfortable labels and name tags but being brainless, broke and depending on a man for even the air you breathe hurts much more. You were made for more. You don’t need to shrink your dreams just so you can get a man. You don't need permission to be successful. Embrace your gifted-ness and give the world all your brilliance.

In pursuit of your success story, be a lady and never forget, you are powerful in your femininity! A man who is intimated by your success will never be satisfied by your failure. It is not your job to fix an unsatisfied intimidated man. Don't give up on your dreams in an attempt to fix someone's brokenness. You can never satisfy a person who is not satisfied in himself. If a man is not satisfy with who he is, he'll never be satisfy with who you are. There is a difference between supporting a man's vision and looking after a weak man with a fragile ego. 

To the other women out there who have nothing to offer apart from being beautiful and sexy. No man is going to be horny forever. Sex does not keep a man, even if you turn 360 degrees in bed, he will still dump you if you have no real substance. Sex can make a man stay with you overnight but your personality and character is what will make him stay for a lifetime. Sometimes, intimacy is sharing what’s between your ears, not just what’s between your legs. There comes a time when a real man needs a real woman to share his worries with –  woman with brains, grace and character NOT just a woman with expensive weaves, Gucci Hang Bags, long lashes or long nails. 

Don’t be a woman who spend all her time and resources on her outward appearance. Don't spend your days making up, doing nails or hunting the next trend in fashion. Build yourself up, invest in your mind, learn and practice things that can add values to your life. Being beautiful is not a skill. As well as thinking small and shrinking your dreams just so you can please a man is suicidal in this age and time.  

By Nicky Verd

Thanks for making the time to read my posts. I work hard to make them valuable for you. So we get you to your best. Sooner versus later. The mind can be trained!

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Nicky Verd is a Prolific Writer and Transformational Speaker, she is passionate about inspiring you to take ownership of your life, discover your purpose and maximize your potential. "You owe yourself everything you expect from others"

Follow her on Social Media for more tips on Self Development

Sunday 14 January 2018

15 Bizarre Facts Every Man Must Know About Women. Ignore At Your Own Peril.

Dear men, women were made to be loved NOT understood. 

Women are stunning, graceful and majestic creatures. But we also do really bizarre stuff. The list below will shock you, make you laugh and most important keep you from going insane trying to understand women.  

  1. We shave off our eye brows then we draw them back.
  2. We cut our hair then we wear wigs.
  3. If we had a mustache we'd likely going to shave it too then draw it back again.
  4. We wear a mini shirt then we keep pulling on it all day to make it longer.
  5. We tell you we are fine when in actual fact we are about to cut your head off and feed your flesh to the vultures
  6. We always carry around our big hand bags full of stuff that we never use, but we always think that one day we might need it.
  7. We ask you questions we already know the answer. That’s why its much safer for men to simply tell the truth.
  8. We always have nothing to wear, even if our closet is overloaded with stuff. According to research, we spend nearly a year of our lives deciding what to wear. We thought it would have been even longer!
  9. We speak about 20 000 words a day. An average man speak only 7000. Yeah, Just keep chatting… just keep chatting! 
  10. We smile 62 times a day while on average, a man smiles only 8 times
  11. When we go on a 3-day trip we usually pack up for a 3months trip
  12. We cut our finger nails then we put fake ones way longer than what we'd just cut.
  13. We throw our phone into our big hand bag and then frantically look for it and can’t find it when it rings.
  14. We remember every detail of an argument and bring it up 3months later.
  15. Crying for absolutely no reason then turns out all we need is a hug

And this is only the tip of the iceberg. So, for peace sake... just love us guys and leave this understanding thing aside. Don’t try to understand us. We are crazy normal...wink-wink!

By Nicky Verd

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Nicky Verd is a Prolific Writer and Transformational Speaker, passionate about inspiring you to take ownership of your life, discover your purpose and maximize your potential. You owe yourself everything you expect from others. 

Follow her on Social Media for more tips on Self Development