Thursday, 13 June 2019

Some say Its Embarrassing to do Network Marketing but I say Its More Embarrassing to be Broke!

Network Marketing is a business NOT a job. You'd experience instant disaster if go into network marketing with a job mentality. Those with a job mentality say its embarrassing to do network marketing, haha...Mmmm...Well, I think its more embarrassing to be broke. Its embarrassing to be drowning in debts. Its embarrassing not being able to provide for your family, its embarrassing not being able to pay rent or buy yourself that pair of shoe/outfit you really-really-really need 😪 . So, weigh your ego/ignorance against your bank account!

"Network marketing is no longer on trial. It is a proven and viable profession that's helping millions of people across the globe to get ahead financially" ~Art Jonak
Recommended Reading: A Question for the BOLD. Does Network Marketing Really Work?
As a society, we have been programmed from childhood to fail in something like Network Marketing. It therefore requires alot of re-programing in the mind to be able to succeed in Network marketing. As a society, we are taught from childhood how to be good employees, how to write a perfect CV, how to write a perfect Cover Letter, how to dress for an interview, etc. The education system in Africa puts more emphasis on getting good grades and getting a good job. No one teaches us from childhood how to draw a business plan, how to be your own boss, how to be a great networker or how to dress for a business meeting. Dreams of entrepreneurship are quashed because of this belief system since those dreams were not nurtured and honed in from early on in life. 

Recommended Reading: How can I Conveince People to Join my Network Marketing Business (SOLVED)

We have been taught our whole lives to avoid risk by all means. The normal way is to go to school and get a job. The normal way is to hide in your office behind your computer. The normal way is to die jobless rather than try a business. Only a tiny percentage of people dare say to their kids to go to school and start a business of any kind.  Job security is what everyone is after and sadly there's no such thing as job security.

The world is changing, people are changing, systems are changing. You can't stay with the old mindset and expect to succeed. Network Marketing is the wave of the future in business. It's a powerful marketing model that's sweeping across the world and is having a greater impact than franchising which by the way has become too expensive for ayn ordinary person to afford. Network Marketing is the very best business model developed so far for ordinary people to achieve extraordinary success.
As Robert Kiyosaki said  “Network marketing gives people the opportunity, with very low risk and very low financial commitment, to build their own income-generating asset and acquire great wealth.”
There are no perfect or right type of people for network marketing. All that is required is desire and ambition to change your life. Network marketing is a business where you and you alone hold all the cards. You get out of it what you put in and I'll be the first to admit that not everyone is cut out for this type of business model. Doing Network Marketing in Africa is hard but not impossible. There are many success stories. You too can create your own! Don't stay behind simply due to wrong mindset and societal programming, you can re-program your mind and achieve great success in network marketing. All the best!

Recommended Readings:  

By Nicky Verd
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Nicky Verd is a Speaker on disruption and personal transformation, KickAss Blogger, Tech enthusiast and Prolific Writer who is passionate about igniting human potential and empowering people to pursue their dreams and take ownership of their lives. 

She is also a Brand Ambassador for Global Startup Awards-Southern Africa and a Huffington Post Contributor. Visit her Website for more info about her work and services

Follow her on Social Media because personal transformation doesn’t just happen. It takes daily wisdom, tips and a support system. 

"You owe yourself everything you expect from others"

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