Thursday, 13 June 2019

Book Snippets | Diary Of A Church Boy | By Ace Moloi (Part 2)

Written By Ace Moloi

NOBODY HERE WORE the image of poverty. On the contrary, each person seemed like a star of their own show. The beauty of the women was intense and effortless, packaged in all shades of mystery. It asserted itself as permanent and not fleeting, contradicting Proverbs.

Their walk in church, down the aisle, could make Naomi Campbell a modelling fraud. Pondering their gorgeous build, calm charm and total relinquishing of their self-awareness during worship was a picture that deserved a feature in the wonders of the world.

The whole scene was visually astounding and culturally startling. It was my first time ever seeing thousands of believers gathered in the name of the LORD. It was, furthermore, my first time ever being in a space where the air-con was set on death mode, as if the day’s frozenness did not mean anything to whoever had the remote.

At exactly 9am, a woman’s voice shouted, “Good morning, family,” beckoning us to rise to our feet. The people responded with
anticipated praise, launching the service with whistling, screaming and clapping for the LORD. Every song sung I did not know. None of the songs had been recorded by Joyous Celebration or Kirk Franklin or Benjamin Dube.

Throughout the praise and worship I felt like I had been mistakenly packed in the luggage bag of a disgruntled farmer and we were now in Australia. Although the lyrics appeared on the overhead screen, just when I thought I had cracked the song, it bridged and left me burbling unknown things. Eventually I laid down my arms and just watched on as people opened wide their arms.
The camera crew was in full swing, accurately sniping moments of believers immersed in worship and displaying joyful faces on the screen.

The busiest cameraperson was the one operating the front camera, which moved like the hand of a crane mining quarry. There was another videographer who went around the church for close-up footage. There were two other videography centres: one faced the platform and the other was erected near the platform to zoom the crowd in.

Judging from the live feed from the videographers, everyone here (except me) knew what was going on. They were caught in the act of singing along to songs with the kind of excitement they just could not fake.

My recruiter must have noticed my apprehension, for he whispered to me that I must come to the evening service as it was much better. I wondered what could be funkier than this! What did he mean ‘better’? Did they sing songs normal Christians sang? Did the church have a personality disorder or
morning moods? By now I was bashing myself for coming here. It did not feel like I was in church. I was cold physically and spiritually.

I was about to chat up one of my contacts on BBM when a man jogged to the platform and
urged us to sing louder and celebrate the goodness of the LORD. He too was a man of steel. For a moment I thought he was the one with the password to open the roof for the pastor’s helicopter to land on the platform as I had heard before coming here. I was even ready to take the video of the pastor falling from the sky and show my people back at home the miracles of urban Christianity.
But, no, this man on the platform was actually the pastor. In a church this intimidating size a pastor does not just scuttle to the stage as if he is a houseboy in Nigerian fiction. Whither bodyguards? There was no chopper and no MC to praise him as a Lion. Or Tsunami. Or Cyclone Dimakatso!

An excerpt from "Diary Of A Church Boy"
A Book by Ace Moloi

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Nicky Verd is a Speaker on disruption and personal transformation, KickAss Blogger, Tech enthusiast and Prolific Writer who is passionate about igniting human potential and empowering people to pursue their dreams and take ownership of their lives. 

She is also a Brand Ambassador for Global Startup Awards-Southern Africa and a Huffington Post Contributor. Visit her Website for more info about her work and services

Follow her on Social Media because personal transformation doesn’t just happen. It takes daily wisdom, tips and a support system. 

"You owe yourself everything you expect from others"

Book Snippets | Diary Of A Church Boy | By Ace Moloi (Part 1)

Written By Ace Moloi

NO SOONER HAD my mother made friends in heaven than I deserted the church for a new kid on the block. Generally, our home church haemorrhaged members as a form of protest against the new pastor from Lesotho. The branch has since died a slow death, murdered by the arrogance of leadership.

The charisma in the new church won my heart effortlessly as if my childhood Christianity was a scam. The music in my new worship home was performed by a live band, something really fascinating for a kid who grew up in a church which read hymns so melancholically you would think the whole membership was mourning Christianity, or prophesying the imminent demise of the church.

Believers here dressed as if to audition for roles as bridesmaids for the day Christ returns to wed the Church. They exuded confidence like people who truly believed they were joint heirs with Christ.
The pastor, who was from Mozambique, preached with vigour like he contributed a sentence in the Bible, moving around the church, gesturing confidently. The speakers, which took his message to every corner of a sinner’s conscience, bolstered the sound of his voice with authority. His shiny hairstyle displayed the anointing upon his head. I was drawn to him fully. I thought he was amazing.
This church published its own newsletter, STOP SUFFERING! which volunteers distributed around town, disrupting the pamphleteering monopoly enjoyed by the likes of Dr. Mama from Ghana who had the powers of a whale that could swallow a straying husband from the Tarshish of his adultery back to the Niniveh of his wife’s sweet bosoms.

The newsletter content was from members of the church who had a good story to tell about what the LORD has done for them. The once ill witnessed of God’s healing powers when they went on the pilgrimage to Mount Sinai. The poor said they were rich following their tithing consistency. The unemployed asserted they found jobs after the pastor sprinkled anointing oil on their CVs. Everyone stopped suffering!

I was here as a patient of suffering, too. Of asthma. And it had to stop. Here every disease manifested. Every demon was interrogated.
How many are you?
Who sent you?
What is your agenda?

In the midst of the praying I felt dizzy like a child who had been circling in one place. There was nauseating chaos in my stomach, as if my liver was turning upside down. I burped like I was about to vomit the liver, feeling feverish as if I had overdosed on Med-Lemon. A chunk of something blocked my chest, so that my nauseated burps sounded like the demon being cast was roaring.
As this thick demon moved up closer to my throat I felt like my soul was going separate ways with my body. I am told my eyes were bigger than their sockets when I collapsed in the hands of the prayer warriors now surrounding me.

When I woke up I was in a room with men and women dressed in navy around me. I asked them what happened and they said I had just undergone a deliverance from whatever spirit was suffocating me. I went back to the church service and watched on as another demon rebelled against being forcefully removed from a body it had known as its home for years.

I stayed with this civilised church. Breaking the hearts of elders in my home church who were seeing a future pastor in me, a candidate to save them from the new, imposed pastor. To discourage me from going to the church, they claimed there was a snake from which the pastor derived his healing powers. It was reported that the snake was fed a soup of human blood and flesh.
Since most of the church’s miracles were about deliverance from witchcraft, people manufactured stories about it. I was told my new home was a cult. Soon, I heard, it would be demanded of me to sacrifice something as maintenance for my deliverance. Though I registered these remarks in my mind, I refused to entertain them.

I had finally found a place that understood my personality and catered for my intelligence. I admired the new church’s atmosphere, plus the fact that it was based in Phuthaditjhaba, a location apt for a kid of my calling and English, perfecting my image as a rural coconut.

An excerpt from "Diary Of A Church Boy"
A Book by Ace Moloi

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Nicky Verd is a Speaker on disruption and personal transformation, KickAss Blogger, Tech enthusiast and Prolific Writer who is passionate about igniting human potential and empowering people to pursue their dreams and take ownership of their lives. 

She is also a Brand Ambassador for Global Startup Awards-Southern Africa and a Huffington Post Contributor. Visit her Website for more info about her work and services

Follow her on Social Media because personal transformation doesn’t just happen. It takes daily wisdom, tips and a support system. 

"You owe yourself everything you expect from others"

Heading for the Taxi, Battered by the Storms of Life | By Ace Moloi

Written By Ace Moloi

One of the lessons I'm learning in my current youth is that when I'm rushing to an urgent meeting and the taxi is nearly filled, I always feel like yelling when the driver stops to wait for one person who's emerging from some distant street, far away from the stop. Why is he wasting everyone's time, my precious time, just to collect one person's fare? Why the greed? Okay, how about we rather pay the vacant seat off so that we can get to town faster?

But when I'm late for an appointment and a taxi not only stops for me but reverses to meet me halfway into my street, it comes as a much needed relief; a divine intervention of sorts. I do notice the irritation on ready-made passengers' faces who think the trip was going perfectly fine without me. When I greet them, they shoot me down with a cold face, as if to say, "Just sit down, tshwene ke wena. How much more of our perfect time do you want to waste?"

Operationally, God's favour reminds me of taxi trips.

When you're already in the taxi, it can be annoying when the driver scouts passengers. You feel like the driver should just focus on the road and forget about prospects. He'll still find a person to fill it up down the road; someone ready to climb on the taxi; someone whole and complete.

But God's favour often annoys whosoever thinks of themselves as more deserving than others. Nnete ke hore, the only remaining seat in the taxi is not just a seat. It is someone's destiny. Someone's encounter. You think it's urgent that you arrive home and close your windows? Try being in this approaching passenger's shoes and you'll feel the real heat of urgency.

You've been born again for years. It's now a tradition for you. But God cares about the person who's waving at him to stop the taxi of His favour. Not only will He stop the car, He will also reverse to fetch the soul crying out for His mercy. He will leave these 99 to bring the 1 on board, regardless of how loud you complain about the person's pace.

Yesterday it was you He patiently waited for. Now that you're on board He should ignore everyone else and just take you home? Don't be rude today when someone else needs a chance. You too were favoured. You didn't do anything amazing to be in the taxi earlier than others. In fact, if anyone must get off, it's you. You clearly don't have much baggage with you. You can afford alternative transport, I suppose. You have options, don't you? Hence the loud mouth?

It's not about you. It's about this person carrying heavy bags, battered by the storms of life. How will they run? Do you even know how deep in the street they live? Do you know how much distance they've so far covered to be here? Do you know how many taxi drivers gave up on them because of how much of an inconvenience they would be to whining, judgemental, religious passengers aboard?

Modimo ke sepalangwang sa setjhaba. God's favour is a public transport.

By Ace Moloi

Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.

Nicky Verd is a Speaker on disruption and personal transformation, KickAss Blogger, Tech enthusiast and Prolific Writer who is passionate about igniting human potential and empowering people to pursue their dreams and take ownership of their lives. 

She is also a Brand Ambassador for Global Startup Awards-Southern Africa and a Huffington Post Contributor. Visit her Website for more info about her work and services

Follow her on Social Media because personal transformation doesn’t just happen. It takes daily wisdom, tips and a support system. 

"You owe yourself everything you expect from others"

Are You Making Money for Yourself or for Your Upline in Network Marketing? (SOLVED)

I once shared a network marketing business opportunity with someone….
And the response I got was “this is one of those things where you only make money for those people at the top” Mmmhhh...I pondered on it for a while and this was my respond. And because many people outchea kinder think in the same way, I've decided to share this here on my blog. Hopefully it can help someone.😊 

Recommended Reading: Some say its Embarrassing to do Network Marketing But I say Its more Embarrassing to be Broke!

As much as it’s not true that you “only” make money for those at the top,…but it is practically impossible for you to live life without making money for someone. Think about it, When you take a taxi, you make money for someone. When you buy groceries, or pay school fees, or pay rent/bond, or do your hair, or buy clothes/shoes etc, you are making money for someone. Whenever money leaves your hand, it goes straight to someone else. Everytime you log on facebook, you making money for Mark Zuckerberg, his staff and your network provider too. That is the way life is setup and if you hate making money for people then you might as well be dead…lol, even in dead you’ll still make money for the funeral parlour 😉
That said, there is no denying that someone ontop of you in a Network Marketing structure benefits from you. It is the way the system is set up, but it isn’t set up to rip-off people but to reward them. In actual sense, those above you only make money with you, NOT off of you per-se. Yes, someone who brought you into the business will generally earn a percentage of your sales, could be 5% or so and you get to keep 95% depending on the compensation plan. But sadly, most people with a wrong mindset would rather not get into business simply becoz they don’t want 5% to go to someone else. This system operates even in some traditional businesses, especially in Insurance where salary is commission based. Will you refuse to take an insurance policy, or buy a house or a car because the Agent/salesperson will earn a commission off you? I guess not...

Actually, network marketing is one of the few structures in the world where you get to keep 95% of your hardwork in monetary terms. In other structures, irrespective of your hardwork, the bigger percentage goes to those above you…like your boss, your director, or your CEO. In the corporate structure its all about the position. You can never ever earn more than your boss or your CEO in the corporate world, can you??... but in network marketing, it is all about hardwork not position. That’s why you can earn more than the person who brought you into the business. If the person who brought you into the business isn’t working as hard as you do there’s no way they can make more money than you, it’s impossible. So, no matter when you join or where you're positioned, you're at the top of your team and you can make things happened with an insane work ethic. Yes, you'll have people above you, but you're at the top of your team and everyone that you recruit will be at the top of their own team too. No one is cheated whatsoever.

One of the beautiful things about Network Marketing is that everyone can advance to the very highest income levels and even make more money than those above them. EVERYONE HAS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO MAKE MONEY AND BECOME TOP INCOME-EARNERS IN THEIR COMPANY. It is a fair system, fairest of them all. The beauty of network marketing is that the company provides the business systems, tools, training and education to be successful... and it enables you to work on skills necessary for entrepreneurship and personal development
Don’t be deceive by misconceptions…or by those who have no clue what they talking about. Think about it for a while. What business venture can you get started with, sometimes for as little as $25 with the potential to grow into a 6 figure earner in just 2yrs, 3yrs or 5yrs?

Recommended Readings:  

By Nicky Verd
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Subscribe to my Blog Now and get a Free 7 page ebook to
embrace your Uniqueness
Be on the lookout for my Book titled “Disrupt Yourself Or Be Disrupted.”
A practical playbook for dreamers and go-getters who want to create their own employment as well as employees who want to understand the impact of self-service technologies on jobs as well as the threats and opportunities in the new era to ensure they are well-prepared for an automated future

Nicky Verd is a Speaker on disruption and personal transformation, KickAss Blogger, Tech enthusiast and Prolific Writer who is passionate about igniting human potential and empowering people to pursue their dreams and take ownership of their lives. 

She is also a Brand Ambassador for Global Startup Awards-Southern Africa and a Huffington Post Contributor. Visit her Website for more info about her work and services

Follow her on Social Media because personal transformation doesn’t just happen. It takes daily wisdom, tips and a support system. 

"You owe yourself everything you expect from others"

A Question for the BOLD Hustler. Does Network Marketing Really Work?

The moment one decides to go into Network Marketing, friends/family start to say “those things don’t work, you’re wasting your time." Okay, let’s look at this scenario, people spend between 7 and 13years studying, some graduate and some don't. Some get jobs and some don't. But you don't hear people saying to the unemployed that “education doesn't work” ….or to those who got the job with a low salary/position, still no one is saying “those things don’t work.” In fact, they are encourage to go back to school, spend more money acquiring more certificates with no quarantee of success. But the moment one fails in network marketing, people start screaming "those things don't work!"

Recommended Reading: How can I Convince People to Join my Network Marketing Business? (SOLVED) 

The truth is that alot people have found success in network marketing and many people also have found success in education/jobs. Many people have failed in their jobs as well as many have failed in network marketing. That doesn’t make either industry/professions bad. Even more so, many people are finding success in both their jobs and Network marketing simultaneously. Network Marketing can be your plan B, even plan A. Don't believe in lies that it doesn't work. Well, of course, as with anything in life, it doesn't work if you don't!

I know people who are very intellectual, they have prestige Degrees from prestigious universities but they into network marketing. They've seen the power in this business model, they sell amazing products/services thereby making really good money. But sadly, most people without even a decent education want only a fancy job with an air-con office. So that they can qualify for a Mortgage Bond, get Financed for a Car then be stuck in a rat race...without an alternative. 

Ok. What's a Rat race?
"A rat race is an endless, self-defeating, or pointless pursuit. It conjures up the image of lab rats racing through a maze to get the "cheese" much like society racing to get a job to get ahead financially. The term is commonly associated with an exhausting, repetitive lifestyle that leaves no time for relaxation or enjoyment."

If you fail in network marketing chances are you will fail in every other business that you try to participate in. I am saying this because in network marketing, you advertise a well-known brand that's been around for years if not decades. Whereas your own business does not yet have that type of credibility, it then becomes 10 times harder to succeed. However, there's no other way in business but the hard way. You just have to make it through the hardships don't look for easier alternatives because they don't exist. 

Recommended Readings:  

By Nicky Verd
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Subscribe to my Blog Now and get a Free 7 page ebook to
embrace your Uniqueness
Be on the lookout for my Book titled “Disrupt Yourself Or Be Disrupted.”
A practical playbook for dreamers and go-getters who want to create their own employment as well as employees who want to understand the impact of self-service technologies on jobs as well as the threats and opportunities in the new era to ensure they are well-prepared for an automated future

Nicky Verd is a Speaker on disruption and personal transformation, KickAss Blogger, Tech enthusiast and Prolific Writer who is passionate about igniting human potential and empowering people to pursue their dreams and take ownership of their lives. 

She is also a Brand Ambassador for Global Startup Awards-Southern Africa and a Huffington Post Contributor. Visit her Website for more info about her work and services

Follow her on Social Media because personal transformation doesn’t just happen. It takes daily wisdom, tips and a support system. 

"You owe yourself everything you expect from others"

Some say Its Embarrassing to do Network Marketing but I say Its More Embarrassing to be Broke!

Network Marketing is a business NOT a job. You'd experience instant disaster if go into network marketing with a job mentality. Those with a job mentality say its embarrassing to do network marketing, haha...Mmmm...Well, I think its more embarrassing to be broke. Its embarrassing to be drowning in debts. Its embarrassing not being able to provide for your family, its embarrassing not being able to pay rent or buy yourself that pair of shoe/outfit you really-really-really need 😪 . So, weigh your ego/ignorance against your bank account!

"Network marketing is no longer on trial. It is a proven and viable profession that's helping millions of people across the globe to get ahead financially" ~Art Jonak
Recommended Reading: A Question for the BOLD. Does Network Marketing Really Work?
As a society, we have been programmed from childhood to fail in something like Network Marketing. It therefore requires alot of re-programing in the mind to be able to succeed in Network marketing. As a society, we are taught from childhood how to be good employees, how to write a perfect CV, how to write a perfect Cover Letter, how to dress for an interview, etc. The education system in Africa puts more emphasis on getting good grades and getting a good job. No one teaches us from childhood how to draw a business plan, how to be your own boss, how to be a great networker or how to dress for a business meeting. Dreams of entrepreneurship are quashed because of this belief system since those dreams were not nurtured and honed in from early on in life. 

Recommended Reading: How can I Conveince People to Join my Network Marketing Business (SOLVED)

We have been taught our whole lives to avoid risk by all means. The normal way is to go to school and get a job. The normal way is to hide in your office behind your computer. The normal way is to die jobless rather than try a business. Only a tiny percentage of people dare say to their kids to go to school and start a business of any kind.  Job security is what everyone is after and sadly there's no such thing as job security.

The world is changing, people are changing, systems are changing. You can't stay with the old mindset and expect to succeed. Network Marketing is the wave of the future in business. It's a powerful marketing model that's sweeping across the world and is having a greater impact than franchising which by the way has become too expensive for ayn ordinary person to afford. Network Marketing is the very best business model developed so far for ordinary people to achieve extraordinary success.
As Robert Kiyosaki said  “Network marketing gives people the opportunity, with very low risk and very low financial commitment, to build their own income-generating asset and acquire great wealth.”
There are no perfect or right type of people for network marketing. All that is required is desire and ambition to change your life. Network marketing is a business where you and you alone hold all the cards. You get out of it what you put in and I'll be the first to admit that not everyone is cut out for this type of business model. Doing Network Marketing in Africa is hard but not impossible. There are many success stories. You too can create your own! Don't stay behind simply due to wrong mindset and societal programming, you can re-program your mind and achieve great success in network marketing. All the best!

Recommended Readings:  

By Nicky Verd
Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
Subscribe to my Blog Now and get a Free 7 page ebook to
embrace your Uniqueness
Be on the lookout for my Book titled “Disrupt Yourself Or Be Disrupted.”
A practical playbook for dreamers and go-getters who want to create their own employment as well as employees who want to understand the impact of self-service technologies on jobs as well as the threats and opportunities in the new era to ensure they are well-prepared for an automated future

Nicky Verd is a Speaker on disruption and personal transformation, KickAss Blogger, Tech enthusiast and Prolific Writer who is passionate about igniting human potential and empowering people to pursue their dreams and take ownership of their lives. 

She is also a Brand Ambassador for Global Startup Awards-Southern Africa and a Huffington Post Contributor. Visit her Website for more info about her work and services

Follow her on Social Media because personal transformation doesn’t just happen. It takes daily wisdom, tips and a support system. 

"You owe yourself everything you expect from others"