Someone asked me this question in a private message...
I thought I should leave the answer here to help out other Network Marketers in the house

How can I convince people to join my network marketing business?
You should never ever convince anyone. There is a saying that "a man convinced against his will, is still of the same opinion" Therefore, you cannot "convince" anyone who does not deep down, sincerely want to work a network marketing business to join network marketing or to distribute the products/service. Your approach should be to simply show people an opportunity, don't try to convince them of anything.
THE DREAMS YOU HAVE FOR YOURSELF IS NOT THE DREAMS THEY HAVE FOR THEMSELVES. If they say yes, cool, work with them. They say no, thank them and move on. Most will NOT do network marketing because it involves work, it requires extra effort and they just don't want to do it.
Recommended Readings:
- Some say its Embarrassing to do Network Marketing But I say Its more Embarrassing to be Broke!
- A Question for the BOLD. Does Network Marketing Really Work?
- Are You making money for yourself or for your upline in network marketing?(SOLVED
Human beings by nature don’t want to be uncomfortable. Some will prefer you to give them $1 as a gift rather than give them a product to sell and make a profit of $100. Nevertheless, most people will eternally be grateful you showed them an opportunity, an alternative to doing something productive with their lives, hence improving their financial status. They are people that actually want to do something about their life/situation, they are looking for opportunities. Seek out such people.
When you share an opportunity with someone, be it a network marketing business model or a traditional business model, show them the basics and how it can benefit them....but LET THEM BE THE ONES TO CONVINCE THEMSELVES IT IS A WORTHY OPPORTUNITY TO EMBARK ON and that's what makes ALL the difference! An initial investment to join network marketing is significantly lower than any other business opportunity.
Network marketing is like buying into a franchise except the cost is really low as they are no overheads, no rents or bills to pay, no employees etc. A franchise comes with an established business system in place for ordering supplies, marketing materials, established brand, bulk discounts and much-much more. Franchises are more manageable for people who are not too familiar with starting a business from scratch. And that’s the beauty of network marketing.
Don't try to convince anyone, those that are convinced against their will don't stay long, don't work hard and they give a bad name to the industry when things don't work out for them. Just Share your opportunity from your heart and the right people will resonate with it. Always keep in mind, It's not about you, it's about them. It's about solving their problems/concerns. Be a solution provider and be proud of what you have.
The right people will be glad you shared and the wrong people will avoid you, might even hate you for it....but take nothing personal. That’s life. “To be great is to be misunderstood”. Keep Building your business.
Recommended Readings:
- Some say its Embarrassing to do Network Marketing But I say Its more Embarrassing to be Broke!
- A Question for the BOLD. Does Network Marketing Really Work?
- Are You making money for yourself or for your upline in network marketing?(SOLVED
By Nicky Verd
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Nicky Verd is a Speaker on disruption and personal transformation, KickAss Blogger, Tech enthusiast and Prolific Writer who is passionate about igniting human potential and empowering people to pursue their dreams and take ownership of their lives.
She is also a Brand Ambassador for Global Startup Awards-Southern Africa and a Huffington Post Contributor. Visit her Website for more info about her work and services
Follow her on Social Media because personal transformation doesn’t just happen. It takes daily wisdom, tips and a support system.
She is also a Brand Ambassador for Global Startup Awards-Southern Africa and a Huffington Post Contributor. Visit her Website for more info about her work and services
Follow her on Social Media because personal transformation doesn’t just happen. It takes daily wisdom, tips and a support system.
"You owe yourself everything you expect from others"