Monday, 25 September 2017

Here’s What You Need To Know Before Embarking On Pursuing Your Dreams

Some people may never begin as they can’t bear the thought of living without a salary. However, those who are courageous enough to start sometimes quit right before they gain any significant progress because they didn’t know the world is so unfriendly towards dreamers. So here is what you need to know as you begin the journey towards accomplishing your dreams. 

It doesn't matter if your start-up is the next big thing. It doesn't matter if you're going to be the next Bill Gate, Larry Page, Oprah Winfrey, Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg, Aliko Dangote, Patrice Motsepe or anything in-between. The reality is that you'll be mocked, pitied, call names, misunderstood, and judged the moment you give up the idea of a JOB for your dreams/calling. Initially, the world will always celebrate those who got the job than those who started a business or those who followed their calling.

From the government to communities, school systems and churches, they all pushing us to go get a job. The mantra is "GO TO SCHOOL, STUDY AND GET A JOB" We are all raised to be employees and breaking this rule/mindset doesn't go without consequences. You’ll face unpleasant circumstances almost like the whole universe is angry at you for breaking this rule. It is a well-known fact that becoming a success story is no easy task. However the strength to press on and overcome the obstacles you will face, greatly depends on just how much of your heart and mind is invested into that dream. Chances of quitting are much higher if your heart and mind aren’t into the dream. You’ll most probably face rejection from family. What family wants and what you want are usually different things. You will feel loneliness and fear as you embark on following your dreams. If you’re not losing friends then you’re not telling it as it is. If you are not afraid then you are probably not reaching for a big enough goal. The greater the goal, the scarier it feels to stretch for it. Compelling goals, stretch you and are usually outside your comfort zone. Where there is fear, a success story is not too far along. 

“You’ll learn, as you get older, that rules are made to be broken. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path. Laugh in the face of adversity, and leap before you look. Dance as though EVERYBODY is watching. March to the beat of your own drummer. And stubbornly refuse to fit in.”  Mandy Hale

In conclusion, do not conform to society’s standards just so you can fit in. If your dream job is not having one, then so be it. There is nothing shameful about not having a job. The reality is that as soon as you begin to pursue your dreams, your life wakes up, your mind wakes up and everything else begins to have meaning. The more you love your decisions, the less you need others to love them. Live life on your own terms. Keep your dreams alive and understand you can be whatever you want to be. Those who live life from the platform of their passion/dreams tend to rise much higher in life and usually leave a legacy than those who live life from the platform of their school certificates and jobs.

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Friday, 22 September 2017

It Is More Dangerous To Wait Than To Move

Too many people are waiting for that magical moment, a burst of motivation, the right time, the right person, the right day, more money, or next year. You’re waiting for someone to tell you it’s okay to start, someone to push/support you. You're waiting for more knowledge. Waiting to have kids, then waiting for the kids to grow up. You want to be perfect before you even begin and that in itself is a recipe for disaster

More people die while waiting than those on the move. Talent, hope, faith, relationships and dreams die on the waiting table. The future is at stake for those waiting. 

There's no better time than now to start working on your dream or the life you really want. Mistakes are a must, failure is a must, looking stupid is a must, because that's the only way you're going to figure things out. We can never get it right by waiting. The answer doesn’t come to you at a specific time. Some find it when they’re a child. Others discover it after they’ve had three children. Some go through ten different jobs/businesses before ever finding the right one. It doesn’t matter if you’re 21, 41 or anywhere in between. It’s never too late to start going after what you want.

“Plant your garden and decorate your own soul, instead of 'waiting' for someone to bring you flowers” ~Jose Luis Borges

Your life won’t improve if you’re relying on someone to make it better for you. A better life isn’t going to be found watching television, keeping up with Honey Boo-Boo, mindlessly surfing the internet, or checking Facebook every five minutes. It’s not found sitting on the couch after work every night or drinking your sorrows away every weekend with your buddies. Nor is a better life going to happen instantly. We’re used to wanting everything quicker. We want to reach our destination as fast as possible. We want our internet speeds to be lightening quick speed. We want our food fast. This generation’s obsession with speeds translates to the results we want. Marketers know that so they blast us with headlines like “Make money quick!” or “Lose weight fast and easy!”
We live in a push-button world, instant messaging, instant pictures, instant food, etc but when it comes to your dreams and living the life of purpose there are no push buttons. I hate to break it to you, there is no quick fix in the real world. You won’t wake up one morning and everything is just perfect. You won’t discover your purpose/passion in just an instant. You won’t have everything you want by “typing Amen” on a prayer post. You’re not going to forever eliminate years of bad habits in a month. You’re not going to have success without some heart wrenching failure and disappointments. 

So what will it take? I know you don’t want to hear it, but it’s going to take one day at a time. You need to start making deliberate choices and stop sleepwalking through life. What’s even worse is you will be doing things you should be doing on a consistent basis and you’re not going to see any results or feel any different. I know that’s frustrating. This is exactly where most people quit and go back to waiting. They feel the work they’re putting in is a waste of time. They quit the gym after a month. They stop selling after only a few sales. So they quit and go back to their average life and continue to blame and point fingers at others for their misery. Keep in mind, small consistent actions over time will produce tremendous results. Anything you truly want in your life isn’t going to come easy. It’s how life works. Life is testing you to see how bad you want it. It’ll weed out the weak ones and only the determined will survive and be handsomely rewarded.

However, I think you actually don’t need any more information. You know everything you should be doing, but you just haven’t done it. It is time to stop the waiting game and start doing, even if it feels like you don’t have a clue what you’re doing. The dots will connect in the end. 

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Saturday, 16 September 2017

Pick Your Hard

Life is Hard! Things are hard! Getting a job is hard, starting a business is hard, pursuing your dreams is hard, relationships are hard, making an extra income is hard, network marketing is hard, investing is hard, trading is hard, surviving on salary alone is hard, selling is hard, being broke is even harder. Well, you've got to pick your hard, an easy life is bad for you!

Sadly most people want to avoid the hard, but you can never succeed without facing the hard. Success is never convenient neither is failure. So, either way, you are going to be inconvenience. Here’s the reality, YOU CANNOT AVOID THE HARD. Quit complaining, pick and embrace your HARD. It is either you stay ‘hard broke’ or ‘try hard at something’. Ever come across anyone succeeding by anger and complaining?
“Money is not everything but it ranks up with oxygen" Zig Ziglar. Money rarely visits anyone, you’ve got to desire and work for it. No matter how good and perfect your excuses are, they’ll never put money in your pocket. The only thing your excuses will get you is pity and sympathy from people. Excuses will never get you ahead in this Game of Life. If you wanna get ahead, find a away to work out your hard. You are either making excuses or making progress.

You'll never know how far you can go or how good you can be at something if you stay only within the bounds of what you already know or what you comfortable with. Greatness begins outside your comfort zone. You attract pity when you give up on life but you attract greatness when you stand up and fight.

It is human nature to avoid things that are hard but there’s fortune in doing the things you’ll naturally avoid. You remain the same when you constantly avoid the hard…and you shut down your creative abilities when you keep confessing ‘I can’t do this’, or ‘I can’t do that’. Your mind shuts down when it hears "I can't" and your mind opens up and looks for ways it can be done when it hears "Yes, I can"

Growth doesn’t come from what you can do, but from doing the things you thought you couldn’t do. Let go of fear, try new things, take risks, getting lost might be what you need to help find yourself.

Nothing grows in your comfort zone, not even comfort. Comfort is bad for your dreams. Comfort is bad for your future and bank account. It is time to get out of your comfort zone ASAP!

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Sunday, 10 September 2017

Is This The Picture Of Success For The Black Community?

Is this what we have decided success should look like? A black man could be drowning in debts and unable to provide for his family but as long as he owns a car, the rest of the community celebrate him as a success, why? Have we enslaved ourselves to materialism? Is the black community obsessed with looking successful rather than being successful? Before you accuse Absa of racism or the government of corruption, think long and hard on why the black community view success as having material things? Why would a bank find it easy to run such an advert? Why is the black community not the target market for wealth-generating investments? Yes, we are black and everything is racial with us but this post is by no means a racial war. Let’s for a moment blame it on racism but the question still remains, have we proven the banks to be wrong about us? Why do majority of black youths still live in their parents back rooms yet drive around in expensive cars as soon as they get a job?

These questions for the most part demonstrate issues that are not political.  A politician cannot write legislation to force anyone to invest their income as opposed to consume it or purchase a car within your means of income. We have very limited control over what politicians or financial institutions do. However, the decisions we make with our own finances on a day-to-day basis are completely within our own control. Therefore, let’s focus more on issues within our own control such as our obsession with material things. A decision to buy flashy cars or expensive clothing is 100% your responsibility. The government has nothing to do with that. 

The financial institutions simply cash in on that decision. They are simply feeding us what we asked for.  Every business conducts market research and run their adverts accordingly. So, from the business point of view this advert is based on market research. 

The black community is generally more interested in flashing what they have than other races. They are the first to buy the flashiest cars and most expensive watches. Black people look for that which says: “I have arrived” A flashy car, an expensive watch or anything that visibly demonstrates that one has money is the norm for most black people. A great number of black people have no assets other than a car. It is a known fact that black people worship at the altar of materialism. Yes, success means different things to different people, but isn’t it time for the black community to realize that there are other forms of success worth glorifying?

We must learn to prioritize our thoughts and our actions based on what is truly important. We should pay attention to the larger picture of our role and contributions to the society. A successful person is one who makes it easier for others to succeed. Flashing material things around does not inspire anybody but intimidates. What are we leaving as footprint for the next generation? Our children are looking up to us. Materialism is not a good enough legacy. Think hard on how and where you spend your money. We should manage our resources well enough to eventually start our own businesses or invest wisely in wealth generating assets. We should be willing to do whatever is necessary to create a stronger financial foundation for the future generations. 

The trap of materialism is that it celebrates the mantra, "live for today". The reality is that there is posterity to consider. We must build a society that values making a positive impact for generations to come. An obsession for legacy building should replace the relentless worship of materialism in the black community. Why are other races ahead of black people? The answer lies in the way we think. Our mindset is holding us back. 

We should give up the chase for money and the chase for materialism. Change our mindset on money. Change our mindset on what we’ve been told success is. SUCCESS IS NOT MATERIALISM.  So, instead of chasing material things, chase building a legacy that will outlive you. Chase wealth for generations to come. Chase comfort and a security for your family. Chase owning your own time. Chase determining your own pay cheque. And then money will chase you. You will truly be happy and live a life of fulfillment when you give up the chase for money and materialism. 

In conclusion, there is nothing inherently wrong with acquiring material possessions.  The problem however is what we have allowed material things to mean, other than the fact that they are expensive.  The subliminal messages we are sending says: "I am because of what I have; I am because of what others can see I have" This is a dangerous mindset. Material possessions do not define the person who has them. 

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